Prose, Uncategorized

My Life in Pictures

It’s very nice to be back, and I sincerely hope that I won’t have too many of these hiatuses. It’s the end of day 1 of my three-day weekend and the extra 24 hours has given me a little time to spare for this little website of mine.

Tonight, I’ll talk about something pretty sentimental: my Multiply page. Until Facebook usurped all its users and forced it into bankruptcy, Multiply was the talk of the town, and I was an avid user. I remember studiously learning all the CSS and HTML codes just so I could compete with my classmates’ amazing pages.

I have never had a Friendster (an older, obsolete social networking site), so Multiply was the first love of my virtual life. It was the website that first showed me how easy it is to stay connected via the Internet. It gave me a platform to share my photos, videos, and notes.

Six years later, Multiply is finally shutting down this weekend (according to hearsay, on December 1), along with all the content that its members uploaded. I’m not surprised, but I’m generally sad to let go of all the memories.

This afternoon, I took a trip down memory lane and browsed through my page for (probably) the last time. I’ve never realized how well-documented my life was. I had pictures to show for every event I attended, which is very unlike the present where I usually shy away from the camera. It presents, as the title says, my life in pictures, and it’s pretty neat how I can see myself grow. I enjoy looking at my awkward early teenage photographs.

I saved my most beloved photographs and videos, and I think I have enough blackmail to last me a lifetime. Here is the tip of the iceberg and some of my less embarrassing photos…

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I’d post more pictures, but I don’t want my friends to kill me. Plus, I can’t give away all my leverage, right? 😉

To Multiply: thank you for everything. Like all naive relationships rooted in youthful carelessness and fun, we had a great run and I’ll be sorry to see you go.
